We asked the nation what makes you most proud to be British. And whilst some of the answers were quite diverse, there were some things we all agree on. We’ve taken 25 of your favourites and hid them in the picture above. It might seem simple to figure out but there are definitely a few head-scratchers in there. Have a go and see how many you can find. You’ll find all of the answers at the end of the article, just in case you get stuck!
What Makes Blighty Brilliant?
We Brits have been through a lot over the years. These days seem to be as turbulent as ever but if one thing is for sure we take pride in being British. In our recent survey, we have seen more than a few icons that make us proud to be British. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the thing we are most proud of is fish and chips (chosen by 62% of people). We don’t just think with our stomachs though! Closely following this scrumptious dish is our love for the NHS (61%).
Once you have a closer look down the list you see that there are a few culinary treasures that give us that warm feeling inside, not just physically! Things like roast dinners (57%), a full English breakfast (53%), and scones (36%) are all close to our hearts. Our cooking isn’t the only thing we are proud of, there’s plenty of history and culture in there too! Castles (39%), Buckingham Palace (35%), and Shakespeare (33%) all make an appearance on the list.
And what about the British people themselves? Unsurprisingly the Royal Family are a source of pride for us with 45%. Then we have TV royalty Ant & Dec polling at 17%, followed by Philip Schofield & Holly Willoughby on 13% and the Beckhams on 11%.
There are a couple of funny quirks that we all know and love that make an appearance. Things like talking about the weather (33%), queueing (25%), and apologising for everything (21%) all make us proud of where we’ve come from. Sorry for that last one though!

One Country, Many Views
From Land’s End to John o’Groats there's plenty of opinion on what makes us the great nation we are. Across our beautiful country, you can find more than a few differences of opinion. With 51% of Brits in the capital choosing London as one of the best things about the country, compared to a mere 18% of Scots, there’s no shortage of contrast.
One obvious point of difference is definitely the generational gap, it’s definitely a ‘sauce’ of disagreement! On our survey 1 in 10 of British 18-24 year olds claim bbq sauce goes best with chips compared to fewer than 2 in 100 of over 55s, who prefer to stick with good old fashioned ketchup.
Over 50s Think Different
Brits over 50 definitely view life differently, this is especially apparent when you look at the way under 50s look at life. 51% of over 50s think the seaside is one of the best things about being British compared to 39% of younger people. Younger people place more value on breakfast tea (40% versus 34%) and sarcasm (37% compared to 27%). The over 50s have also had a much greater love of the countryside, with 60% singling it out, compared to 44% of under 50s.
What’s also clear is that British people’s priorities change as the years go by. Caring for family and protecting loved ones becomes more and more important. In our survey, we have seen that 70% of over 55s said their families are the most important thing to them, compared to fewer than 50% of 18-24s. And significantly, the feeling of being most proud of our families rises 10% between the ages of 34 and 54.

How many could you find?

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